Friday, 7 September 2012

Our Good Primary School Teachers :)

I still remember the face of our beloved teachers of Primary section ( Morning) and ofcourse their names too. For day section , I did try to know the names ...... may be some of you may not be interest in their names , however its my respect to great ladies that I still remember their names. Somewhere , Children of those great ladies must be feeling proud to see their mothers' name by their old students. We used to call them MISS irrespective of their age or marital status.Lets C , to what extent I could remember their names :
1. Mrs. Ganguli - I admired her most , she took our singing lessons and Bengali in class iv. She was just like our mother.
2. Mrs. Anjaria - A parsi lady , when I passed infant , she retired.
3. Suman Didi - She was incharge of morning section. Sweet lady , great heart , loved all students.
4. Prabha Didi - Sister of Suman Didi , very tough , our class teacher in class I
5. Aruna Didi - Class teacher of Class Infant. She loved me very much , she introduced me with her son during picnic of our school after final examinations of class three.
6. Sunita Didi --- my goodness !! what a voice .......... I will explain later in detail
7. Verma Didi - left school after my class 2
8. Khanna didi - She was a jolly teacher, I remember her dance on teachers' day.
9. Usha Didi--- Very very strict teacher. She took Hindi in class 3
10. Mitali Ghosh -- Soft spoken , good heart , she replaced Verma didi...
11. Rekha didi -- our life science teacher of class 3 ,good in drawing
12. Nisha Didi- A new teacher ,when I was in class four.
13 Chhaya Didi -- Nice lady ... our class teacher in fourth standard , used to teach History.
14 Verma Didi ( another ) - she was the sister of Nisha didi. Her daughter was also the student , junior to us. We always respected teachers' own children.
and....................... the most horrible
 Gambhir Didi --- We always be horrified with that lady. Students were never comfortable in her class, she was the limit of strictness.

If I have forgotten a few ........please remind me ....... I shall be grateful...

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A Poem on Bhasha

 The Poem is written by Dr. Ram Prahlad Choudhary, one of the ex- Teachers of Tantia High School. Hope you will like it.