Saturday, 8 September 2012

On Demand --- Names of Students 1992 from Section A

Section A was a great section. Most of the boys were padaku ...

1. Manish Didwania ( CA)
2. Nitin Sethia
3. ............................. ( the boy who used to come second after Manish ...used to live in Syed salley street chuhamal.... please write his name , i still remember his face .. always smiling .... marwari bhai)
4. S . M .Roshan Bhati
5. S M Rafi Bhati
6. Jitendar Sharma
7. Sanjay Sharma
8. Pawan Agarwal
9. Rahul Sonthalia
10. Sunil Gupta ( Lambu )
11. Manish jain
12. .......Choudhary
13. Anish..... ( the fattest boy of our school )
14. ---------- Maheshwari
15. --------- Bagla
16. Siddharth Sharma ( now a doctor I suppose)
17. Manish Choudhary
18. Avinash Khattry ( Very Naughty ...but my friend)
19. Navin Thirani - Now in Mumbai
20. Vikash Saraogi
21. Umesh Poddar
22. Sanjay Poddar
23. Naushad
24. Vikrant Singh

I will add.... once i remember ..........

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A Poem on Bhasha

 The Poem is written by Dr. Ram Prahlad Choudhary, one of the ex- Teachers of Tantia High School. Hope you will like it.