Showing posts with label Kiran. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kiran. Show all posts

Saturday 8 September 2012

Houses of Tantia High School

When we were students @ Tantia , it was Hindi medium. However, it was the efforts of trustees and our ex-Head Master great H S Sharmaji , the school followed always the convent pattern. I shall write a few things about H S Sharma Ji which I heard from our teachers and ex-students and outsiders. He was an idol of discipline.

Our school's students were divided into four houses to make them competitive for various competition in sports , debate and other activities.

Primary Morning  was divided into four houses and each of them had separate house teachers

1. Alok house
2. Jyoti House
3. Kiran House
4. Prabhat House

Primary Day and Secondary section had also four houses , however their names were common

1. Pratap House ( R Singh Ist )
2. Vidyasagar House ( S P Pandey)
3. Raman House ( A Pandey )
4. Shivaji House ( S K Bhattacharya)

From class V to class VIII , every student had to report their houses in the last period in the assembly hall at ground floor. First of the three house teachers used to motivate their boys for better performance in inter house competition and daily affairs. Students could tell Jokes and stories, some teachers preferred films songs also, however we had tough times in the fourth house. Mr. Bhattacharya was very much strict for the performance of the house. Any boy responsible for reduction of marks in the house register , was beaten severely by SKB Sir. Any body who came late school , any colour of thread other than white in the dress of student , shoes of colour other than Black and White etc.. the captain of the school or the prefect of the house would deduct marks and their names were written in an old fashioned register which used to be brought in the house. After beating students , SKB used to ask english poems and teaching related things only.
However , other teachers were quite liberal in their attitude. They found rest time during house sessions. The best to rest was Shri A Pandey. Will write something more on teachers and houses ....... wait.... :)

सरस्वती पूजा - टांटिया हाई स्कूल [ Saraswati Puja of Tantia High School ]

सरस्वती पूजा टांटिया हाई स्कूल द्वारा आयोजित सबसे महत्वपूर्ण कार्यों में से एक है। मुझे यकीन है कि प्रत्येक पूर्व छात्र ...