Monday, 11 November 2019

Tiffin Time of Tantia High School

जैसा कि पहले बताया गया था, हमें चौथी अवधि के बाद 45 मिनट के टिफिन ब्रेक की अनुमति दी गई थी। कक्षा 5 से 7 के छात्र खाने के लिए 10 मिनट के रूप में टिफिन समय का उपयोग करते थे और खेलने और बातचीत के लिए शेष समय का उपयोग करते थे।

कभी-कभी, हम अपने वर्ग में क्रिकेट खेलते थे, हल्के बल्ब और प्रशंसकों को स्विच ऑफ मोड में रखते थे। एक रूमाल को एक क्रिकेट गेंद में बदल दिया गया और एक स्केल को क्रिकेट के बल्ले की तरह इस्तेमाल किया गया। मैं नहीं बता सकता, यह बहुत अच्छा समय था। हालांकि, 45 मिनट के बाद, पहले से ही, घरों के कप्तान ने कक्षाओं में प्रवेश करना शुरू कर दिया और उनका हमेशा मतलब था विशेष रूप से कक्षा 5 से 8 के लड़कों के साथ।

कुछ प्रीफैक्ट (Prefects) विद्यार्थियों से घबरा रहे थे, जो उनके सहपाठी थे, अर्थात् ऐसे सहपाठियों (छात्र जो पहले असफल रहे) को समान वजन और लड़ने के कौशल मिले। इसलिए प्रीफैक्ट्स उन्हें केवल अपनी आवाजों के माध्यम से या चरम मामलों में प्रबंधित कर सकते हैं . वे प्रीफेक्ट्स कप्तान या उपाध्यक्ष लड़के के हस्तक्षेप का उपयोग कर सकते हैं।

हेडबॉय हमारे स्कूलों के बॉस होते थे। हेडबॉय हमारे स्कूल में बहुत सम्मान पाते थे। मुझे याद है कि जब मैं कक्षा 5 में था तब हमारा हेड बॉय राम गोपाल बजाज था। १९८६... सर्वश्रेष्ठ मुख्य लड़कों में से एक... उसके बाद कोई हेडबॉय कभी भी उनके व्यक्तित्व से मेल नहीं खा सकता था। हेडबॉय के चयन में कमियां थीं . किसी अन्य लड़के में कहानी सुनाएंगे . चलो हमारे लंच ब्रेक पर ध्यान केंद्रित करते हैं।

तो वे मेरे जैसे बच्चों पर अपने कौशल का उपयोग कर सकते थे... जो न तो उनसे लड़ सकते थे और न ही मेरे पास जा सकते थे।

मुझे एक उदाहरण याद है कि 1988 में 9 सी कक्षा के प्रदीप सिंह हमारे कक्षा के एक साथी से कुछ शिकायतें मिलने के बाद हमारे कक्षा में आए। आरोप यह था कि कुछ लड़कों ने कक्षा में सुपर सोनिक वॉइस (असाधारण आवाज) बनाई जो हमारे स्कूल के अनुशासनिक सिद्धांतों के खिलाफ थी। उन्होंने 7 से 8 लड़कों को सजा दी। प्रदीप मंच पर मेरे प्रार्थना साथी थे . इसलिए मैंने पूछने की हिम्मत की... भाई मेरा क्या कसूर है...... बदमाशी किसी और ने और मेरी और पिट गया माई . तब मैंने पहली बार एक कहावत सुनी। मैं एक कहवत है... Gehu के साथ Dhoon भी वैसा ही चलता है . मैं उस अर्थ को समझ नहीं पाया।

So ... Tiffin time....

हमें अपनी कक्षा में खाने की अनुमति नहीं थी... हमें असेंबली हॉल में, या गलियारों में या ग्राउंड फ्लोर में खाने की अनुमति थी। हालांकि, जब हमने 10th ki वरिष्ठता प्राप्त की है... कक्षा 10... हम कभी खाने के लिए नीचे नहीं गए जब कुछ कछोरियों या सिंघार या मोडी की आवश्यकता थी... अन्यथा सभी 3 वर्गों के छात्र दरवाजा बंद करने के बाद कक्षा में खाते थे।

एक Mudi वाला, एक फलवाला, एक Idli वाला और एक कचोरीवाला था। Kachodiwala बीकानेर का रहने वाला था . वह दही और मसाला मिलाकर कचौरी बेचता था . मुझे लगता है कि हमें कभी भी किसी अन्य स्थान पर यह स्वाद वापस नहीं आया। हालाँकि, कभी नहीं भूलना चाहिए... स्कूल के बाहर एक आइसक्रीम विक्रेता था और हम उन आइसक्रीम को स्कूल के साथी के कोने से खरीद सकते थे... यह एक तस्करी थी। लेकिन उस आइसक्रीम को स्वाद मिला।

आस-पास के इलाकों के छात्र आईडी कार्ड बना सकते हैं और टिफिन घंटे बंद होने से पहले वे अपने घरों में खाने और वापसी करने जा सकते हैं। अगर कोई देर से आता है तो उसके घर के निशान काट लिए जाएंगे और उसे हाउस मास्टर के सामने पेश किया जाएगा। उन बातों का उल्लेख मैंने पहले के ब्लॉग में किया है।

इसलिए, पांचवें अवधि की शुरुआत में उपस्थिति की समीक्षा की प्रक्रिया थी अर्थात लंच के बाद। शिक्षक अपने तरीके से उपस्थिति लेते थे, विशेष रूप से एस एन पाठक जो एक संस्कृत और हिंदी शिक्षक थे, लेकिन हमेशा अंग्रेजी में उपस्थिति लेते थे। हमारे जीवन विज्ञान शिक्षक की एक अनूठी शैली थी . वह हमेशा कहते थे . ‘Apne Daaye aur Baaye dekh lo अगर कोई लापता है, तो कृपया मुझे बताएं, मेरी कक्षा में कभी भी अनुपस्थित रहने की हिम्मत नहीं की गई थी . इसका मतलब है कि हमने कभी ऐसी घटना नहीं सुनी जो किसी ने टिफिन घंटों के दौरान स्कूल से बाहर चली। पाँचवी अवधि की उपस्थिति का सख्ती से पालन किया गया ।
जब हम टिफिन घंटों के दौरान नीचे जाते थे . यह श्री एस राम (राम बाबू) थे जो हमेशा सीढ़ियों के अंत में खड़े थे . हम उन्हें सेना के जवानों की तरह सलाम करते थे और उन्हें लड़कों को देखकर खुशी होती थी। यह तात्या का अनुशासन था कि हम एक दिन भी लाइनों को नहीं तोड़ सकते थे। जब राम बाबू रिटायर हुए, श्री के एन सिंह सेकंड (पी टी शिक्षक) ने राम बाबू से जिम्मेदारी संभाली और जब छात्र जमीन पर लंच करने आए तो वह वहां मौजूद रहे।

1986 से 1992 के दौरान दोपहर 12:45 बजे से 1:30 बजे तक टिफिन समय था . और यह अगले 10 से 12 वर्षों के लिए समान था . जहां तक मैं जानता हूं और प्राथमिक खंड (दिन) के टिफिन समय 1:15 बजे ब्रेक होता था। तो मैं ऐसा क्यों कह रहा हूं। प्राथमिक छात्रों को महिला शिक्षकों द्वारा पढ़ाया जाता था. कुछ ईएम बहुत युवा थे. उनके बीसवें दशक में और कुछ अपने तीसरे दशक में थे. हमारे स्कूल के कुछ शिक्षक उन महिला शिक्षकों को देखने या उनसे बात करने के लिए टिफिन घंटों के दौरान मौजूद थे। मैं किसी को दोष नहीं दे रहा हूं . सभी युवा थे और इसमें कुछ भी गलत नहीं था। कुछ शिक्षकों की आदत थी और उन्होंने हमेशा हमारे प्राथमिक वर्ग की महिला शिक्षकों को प्रभावित करने की कोशिश की। मैं उन शिक्षकों का नाम बताऊंगा... लेकिन उनमें से एक महिलाओं को प्रभावित करने के लिए काफी स्मार्ट था।

जिन छात्रों को दोपहर का भोजन लेने के लिए घर जाने का विशेषाधिकार प्राप्त था... छात्र कुछ पैसे या रुपये का भुगतान करते थे कुछ सुपारी, पैन पराग, या बाहर से चॉकलेट खरीदने के लिए... जाहिर है एक अनिवार्य कटौती के साथ।

वहाँ कुछ और दिलचस्प व्यक्तिगत कहानियां हैं...... बता देंगे ... आनंद . और भगवान आशीर्वाद यू.

See this Instagram photo by @

Wednesday, 6 November 2019

Break Time of our school

During our school days we used to enjoy two small breaks and one tiffin time . The first break was after second period in the morning and second small break after the seventh period and before the eighth (final) period. The duration of such breaks were 10 minutes which were always welcome and relief providing time. The first break was quite helpful to complete homework which could be checked by the teacher in the 3rd period or 4th period. But the main attraction of such breaks were

  • sharing vulgar to high level vulgar jokes among friends
  • meeting friends studying in the other sections 
  • reading comics against the rules of our school
  • talking about our teachers , creating jokes for them 
  • sneaking through windows of the class rooms
  • talking to our peons and making fun of them. Our peons were Satyanarayan (a big time asshole), Pandey, Shaw ji, Suraj and Kishori Lal
In the second break ... the most important activities were 

  • playing cricket or any other games in our class rooms
  • taking aims with Chalk pieces to persons taking tea and eatings toasts at the shop of SHEETAL TOAST.... what an incredible test of toast. I still enjoy whenever I am around. Now a days his son is taking care of the shop and he still remembers me. 
  • some times we used to abuse people arbitrarily
  • dance in the class with music from mouth and class benches. One of my class mate used to dance on the songs of Madhuri Dixit of the movie Saajan and sometimes on the songs of Shilpa Shirodkar dancing rain (Kahni thee ek baat , magar mai kah nahi paati hoon..........) and somebody from our friends used to grab him like Mithun Chakrvarti
  • Sometimes we used to sing together ...  4-5 boys at the same time for the songs of Jeene Ki Raah (Aaane se uske , aaye bahar..... although the song was very old for us but those were equally famous in 1980s and 1990s) 
Second break was famous for fighting and taking vendettas with school friends who complained against us to a teacher. From class V to VIII - our monitors , prefects, captains were show spoilers and started to burst the drum of discipline. Some of them were truly assholes. I still remember  their name but now those assholes look like elder brothers and now I cannot abuse them.... 

In class IX and X we got fearless. No Prefect and Captain dared to show us discipline. 

from class V to VIII , the last period belonged to additional subject ... G K and Moral Science and no teacher used to teach us as the marks were never added. However after 1994, the rules were changed and marks would be added if some body scores more than 34 in the subject. 

In Classes 9 to 10 ...the last period were important ones... like Hindi, History, Book Keeping, Additional Maths etc. So seriously we studied. 

i still miss those breaks ...... do you ??? Please write your comments below

Monday, 23 September 2019

BHULE NA BHULAYE - Class VII Hindi Story Book of Tantia High School (भूले ना भुलाये - कक्षा सात की कहाँ की किताब )

टांटिया हाई स्कूल ने हमेशा मूल्य आधारित शिक्षा प्रदान करने का प्रयास किया है। कक्षा V में, हम बाल रामायण पढ़ते थे और कक्षा VII में हमारे पास एक किताब थी - भूले ना भुलाये , जो हमारे स्कूल के संस्थापक और राजस्थान और कोलकाता के प्रसिद्ध सामाजिक कार्यकर्ता श्री रामेश्वरलाल टांटिया द्वारा लिखी गई थी। पुस्तक की प्रत्येक कहानी किसी भी बच्चे के चरित्र निर्माण में सहायक है।

सबसे अच्छी बात यह थी की हमारी क्लास में ,यह  पुस्तक श्री एस एन पाठक द्वारा पढ़ाई गई थी। उन्होंने पुस्तक को पूरी निष्ठा और पूरी गंभीरता से पढ़ाया। प्रायः प्रश्न पत्र बनाने वाले टीचर्स पहले ही चैप्टर (जीवन की उपलब्धि) से सिर्फ एक ही प्रश्न हर परीक्षा में पूछते थ।  अर्थात बाकी चैप्टर ना भी पढ़े तो कोई फ़र्क़ नहीं पड़ता थ। 
लेकिन यह एस एन पाठक ही थे जो पूरे पाठ्यक्रम की प्रत्येक पंक्ति को समय के भीतर पढ़ाने के लिए बहुत गंभीर थे. उन्होंने सिर्फ अपना पाठ्यक्रम ही नहीं शेष किया , अपितु हर कहानी के मुख्या पत्र का चरित्र चित्रण पूछा बताया और याद कराया  | अगर वो गंभीरता से ना भी पढ़ते तो शायद उन्हें कोई कुछ नहीं बोलता। परन्तु शायद वो जानते थे की अगर वो अपने छात्रों को मानवीय मूल्य के ऊपर कहानियां पढ़ा रहे हैं तो उन्हें भी वैसा ही बर्ताव करना पड़ेगा 

यह व्यावसायिकता का एक सर्वोत्तम उदहारण ह।  अगर हम यह शिक्षा उनसे ले लें तो हमारे जीवन में बेहतरी ही होगी 

भूले ना भुलाये अगर आपको कहीं भी मिले तो अपने बच्चों को दे।  कम से कम मैंने अपने जीवन में कुछ शिक्षा तो ली ही है, उससे मुझे कहीं यशा मिला है | रामेश्वर लाल जी ने अपने जीवन के अनुभव और सुनी हुई ऐतिहासिक कहानियों को रेखांकित किया है।

A few pages for your lovely recollection .and on demand ... I have posted one chapter of the book

Saturday, 4 May 2019

Hindi Antakshari of Tantia High School

Caveat : Grammar mistakes... first cut only

Antakshari has been one of the most popular inter house competitions in Tantia High School. We all knew that serious efforts are bestowed by house teachers, students, Principal and other teachers to make the event successful and useful. 

Antakshari was played once in a year somewhere between first term and second term of examinations. We enjoyed 6 Hindi Antakshari competition in our school during class V to Class X. We used to get notice of Antakshari a month before the competition date post which the preparations for the competition got kicked off. 

Some memoirs ---  to the extent I remember ---

Selection Process
  • The first step was selection of good candidates. This was not a tough task for house teachers. They know which boy was a good orator and a good learner of Hindi poems. There were a few methods to select best candidates : Top rankers from all the classes from class V to X. Some good examples were Om Prakash Damani, Rabindra Agarwal, Manish Didwania, Dinesh Vyas,Ramakant Holani, Vinod Singh Rathore, Ajay Singhi, Nigmanand Ojha, etc. ... those were bright students hence they were quite obvious choices. Secondly, those candidates who used to be great singer in the class , they were also picked up. Teachers used to listen films songs and Bhajan in the classes provided I D Singh was not expected on school rounds. So they knew exactly which boy could earn more points. Thirdly, the boy who could memorize and orate as many as poems. So it was a fair selection process The group was a great mix of students... class V to X -- boys great in studies and good singers but not good in studies. But one thing was common , everybody used to be determined to play his role at best.
  • Eight to Nine boys were selected to prepare for learning of poems. however only 4 boys from each house could make it to final 4 on the stage. Hence we could see 16 students on the dice for reciting the poems. 
  • For Shivaji House, S K Bhattacharya was very tough in selection. He always invited candidates from class V to VII but always interested to give chance mostly to students from class  VIII to X. Every year he used to say non selected students that you will recite poems in the next year but he always had a good back up team if somebody does not come up on the final day. However, S P Pandey of Vidyasagar House , A Pandey of Raman House and R Singh First of Pratap House were quite liberal in the final selection. They always preferred junior candidates of class VI to VIII who can attract judges and entire school. 
  • R Singh First was always adamant ... whatever be the competition (except sports) Manish Didwania was his obvious choice... and Manish never let him down. S P Pandey preferred to select candidates with good memories and speaking abilities. So his candidates during 1986 to 1982 could not do miracles much. However, story was a bit different for Raman House. A Pandey was not very serious in inter house affairs... he used to rely more on senior boys but luckily he had good orators like Pawan Bhatia and Dheeraj Khattry. 
  • Dheeraj Khattry was a great choice. The boy was short heighted , very captivative, naughty features but most importantly ... he is a good speaker and reciter of poems. He was a surprise package in the year 1988 and the boy got famous in the first year of his secondary school years. His elder brother Vikash was our batchmate. Dheeraj always participated in the events of Antakshari, Debates and other competitions. 
  • Pawan Bhatia was the permanent member of the Raman House team. Fate played a vital role in making him famous. The story is very interesting. During 1987, a Hindi Debate competition was held in our school. Extra speakers and mikes were taken on rent from outside vendors. Some 4 to 5 speakers deliberated their speech and suddenly there was a load shedding, mikes were dead, no light no clear sound and eventually everybody in the assembly hall lost interest in the debate due to lack of light and rising temperature. But the competition was not stopped, boys were coming and speaking... suddenly Pawan Bhatia came and started to deliver his speech without mike at the loudest of his voices and everybody in the hall got silenced and started to listen his speech. The boy became hero and got first prize in that competition. There were better speakers but they were not louder. A clear case of blessings in disguise... but Pawan Bhatia was the right choice. Pawan joined me in the daily prayer team at stage. 

Antakshari day ... 
  • The last four periods post tiffin time were reserved for Antakshari. Everybody were supposed to sit on the mattress in the assembly hall. Class V students always got first rows followed by class V... and class X students in the last of the rows. Class VIII and IX students used to give harder times to prefects , captains of the houses. Most of the annoying students were ex-classmates of prefects and captains ... they were of same age but due to their failures they lagged behind to clear class X. Some teachers used to enter in to halls with thin sticks and such boys were beaten up by teachers after that they could be silenced. 
I am writing now in present tense ... 

  • All 16 students come on the stage. They sit on the benches on the stage behind special invitees on the stage. 
  • The proceedings are always started by S K Mishra... such a thankless job... Always he was the first and last to speak in all the programmes. He was the first and the last choice of our principal to play the role of 'sutradhar' 
  • First of all he invites our principal , then Mr. K N Singh First ... one of the senior most History teacher of our school on the stage. 
  • Then two judges were invited to take their seat . The seats of judges were always set up in the hall so that they can see the poem reciters. Those two judges were our great Hindi teachers.. N  N Mishra and KP Mishras. They ruled over our school in teaching Hindi for a number of years. They were best...but not very useful for our students. They made Hindi non interesting and fearsome for students. They could make Hindi easier and interesting but perhaps they assumed it to be against their ego. 
  • Finally, every year... S K Mishra always invited an ex teacher of our School to be an additional judge on the stage. His name was Mr. K Pandey. We were told that he remembered hundreds of poems in his life time. We always listened some great stories about him.... he was a great teacher of Mathematics and Physics. So he was a permanent invitee for the competition. It was his love for his school and employer who attracted him always to play some role during his retirement.
  • Rules : Maximum four can participate from each house and one boy cannot recite more than 4 poems... some 3 to 4 minutes time limit was set up for a poem. Film songs were restricted. The boys has to speak his name and house... then he can recite. S K Mishra always requested students not to clap after the poem but who cares. Those who recites well they were rewarded with clappings. 

  • Funniest part was .. some boys always forgot their poems due to which they were indivially penalized and their house got lesser marks
  • Objections from other houses was also a regular feature.... say for example if a boy finishes his poem at a particular letter Say 'S'.. The next boy has to start the poem from the letter 'S' ... that was an area of manipulations. There was a story.....Raman House got the word 'G' to speak ... Dheeraj Khatri came and started to orate...' Gadhe Hi Gadhe Hain, Udhar Bhi Gadhe hain.....' the poem was funny and everybody aimed to orate the poem.... but actually the poem was supposed to be started by 'Idhar Bhi Gadhe hain.. Udhar Bhi Gadhe hain..' .... Dheeraj was stopped and not allowed to complete the poem... somebody else from Raman House came and orated a poem starting from the letter 'G'. But next year ... Dheeraj came and completed this poem. Our judges were never impressed by junior candidates ...they were pukka Hindi Bhakt... so they used to give marks only on the pronunciation, oratory skills and good poems. 
  • N N Mishra was always happy with Ajay Singhi...... as the later knew N  N Mishra likes modern Hindi Poems... which cannot be sung rather they are spoken like speeches... i.e. Gadyatmak Kavya. He got individual first prize in the year 1991 and Shivaji house won. 
  • Anshuman Singh was the boy from Pratap House... he orated a poem... Ranbhir Chaukri Bhar Bhar ke Chetak Ban Gaya Nirala Tha... Rana Pratap Ke Ghode Se  Pal Gaya Hawa Ka Pala tha .... The boy became famous and we came to know we have one more good singer around us. The boy was taken in the team of daily prayer team within a week by Pawan Bhatia. Good choice. 
  • Om Prakash Damani ... one of the most brilliant students of our school .... he was great in orating poems and he never forgot what he remembered.. 
  • Rabindra Agarwal, Vinod Singh Rathore , Damani etc were favourites of S K Mishra and N  N Mishra..Rabindra and Vinod won many prizes for Shivaji House and Damani for Raman House. 
  • Vidya Sagar House could not give much impact in Antakshari competition. In the Antakshari of 1990... one of the contestant, Nigmanand Ojha,  got fever in between the competition so he was replaced by Krishna Bihari Ojha. That year was bad for Vidya Sagar House. 
  • Some of the important poems which always used to be listened .... ' Himalay ' of Dinkar ... Kalam aur Talwar by Dinkar.... Din Jaldi Jaldi Dhalta Hai.. by Harivansh Rai Bachhan... etc. 
  • Now once everybody finishes their part... it was time to listen the score. The scores were announced within half an hour... but we had to listen our principal and Mr. K Pandey on the importance of poems. By that time students used to lose their patience.... and everybody just started to cry for results. ... S K Mishra never got opportunity to speak full length Bhasan during any programme. He just played the role of connector. I am sure he could give lights a lot on every topic. But he always knew that students lost interest to listen anything by anybody except results.
  • The score sheets prepared by K P Mishra, N N Mishra and K Pandey were always given to the permanent Auditors... D N Jha and Y Singh. Probably they were honest in counting marks... we never felt any preferential markings to student. 
  • Results were announced by S K Mishra only .... He used to announce Third, Second and then First.. The house which won the competition... every member of the house felt pride on the same day and on the next day. We used to talk a lot about speakers and prizes.. 

Antakshari had a clear objective .... students should know what are the good poems and interest of boys should be created..There were a lot of good memories attached to such competitions. will write..

A Poem on Bhasha

 The Poem is written by Dr. Ram Prahlad Choudhary, one of the ex- Teachers of Tantia High School. Hope you will like it.